New Year

Well it is time to start a new year!  A lot has happened in the last couple of weeks!  I have gotten a job and I start work tomorrow!  It has been a year to the date since I was laid off from my previous job  of 10 years.  I am looking forward to starting anew!  I do have a little apprehension about changing up the routine but I know after a couple of weeks I will be fine.

 The boys go back to school tomorrow.  I will miss taking them to school and picking them up.  I hope that they will be cooperative in the morning with their sister...she will be taking them to school.

  I had signed up for classes at the community college...Digital Design.  I will now have to cancel three of them.  One of the classes was at night and I am going to keep it on the schedule.  I still want to pursue this vocation.  It will take a little bit longer to get a certificate.  I knew that once I started moving forward.....something good would happen! 

The other event that happened in the last couple of weeks is that my sweet grandmother is showing the signs of Sundowners Syndrome and Paranoid Dementia.   She just turned 88.  It is so sad.  She will not be able to go back to her house.  She cannot be left alone.  I hope with medication some of the symptons can be controlled.  Only time will tell. 


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