40 Days Without Social Media

It is time for a cleanse.  The Lenten Season is upon us.  During this time I try to either give back or just do better. This year I am giving up Social Media for 40 Days.  The reason why, I found myself checking my phone constantly for updates.  Also, I saw other people doing the same.  It is now Day 5 and it has not been that difficult.  Really, the most difficult part about it has been not being able to share stories and photo's of my dog. So, here you go!  Isn't he precious!


Not only have I given up Facebook, but I have also given up Twitter and Instagram.  I don't think Instagram is that bad, just sharing photo's and such but it was all or nothing for me!  I am trying to give up that habit of constantly checking my phone.    Here is another photo I so wanted to share!  

Snail in the road

I think I may have an addiction to sharing photo's!  At least I have a place to share them.  I am not really a blogger but this gives me some type of outlet for my photography addiction.  And on that note, here is a video of Loki being Loki! 


I am going to try and keep up with this blog.  I don't know who will see it, I may have to share it!  


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